Lindeners march against suicide, domestic violence

Holding placards bearing slogans such as “Say no to suicide and yes to life” and “We are the future”, students, teachers, representatives of the Charles Rosa School of Nursing at Linden, representatives of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and others marched on in unison.

“I don’t know what you’ve been told, but suicide is not the cure,” those were the words echoed by hundreds of Lindeners, mainly schoolchildren, who marched through the streets of the town on Wednesday, against the scourge of suicide and domestic violence across the nation.

The march, which was organised by Lester and Friends, as well as Youths For Change in collaboration with the Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice) Department of Education saw schools in Linden being closed for the day to aid in participation.

Scores of Lindeners joined in the cause, by wearing the theme colour of yellow to represent awareness. Despite constant drizzles, the procession moved off from the Bayroc Community Centre Ground at Wismar and continued across the Mackenzie-Wismar Bridge to the Mackenzie Sports Club (MSC) Ground, where a grand concert was held.

The concert was hosted by Linden “Jumbie” Jones and saw an appearance by Lisa Punch as a surprise artiste as well as performances from funny man Chow Pow.

One of the organisers of the event, Lester Glenn, said the support was overwhelming and expressed gratitude to all those who pitched in, in making it a success.

He said the event succeeded in establishing its mandate, and hoped that it sent the message across the nation to put an end to the scourge of suicide and domestic violence.

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